Torcuato Mariano Debut (1994)

John Hilderbrand Avatar

From 1993-1994, I produced a newsletter to promote the late night “new music program” for KBIA-FM. Following is an article I wrote for one of the newsletters:

Paradise Station, the debut recording from Torcuato MarianoRarely do debut solo albums come to the station as solid as Torcuato Mariano’s Paradise Station (Windham Hill). From the start, it’s evident that the guitarist knows how he wants his music to sound. The CD features Mariano demonstrating his ability on guitars and other instruments on his own world-influenced compositions.

Born in Buenos Aires, Mariano ended up in Brazil during his adolescence. He started playing nightclubs in 1980, working with artists such as Johnny Alt, one of the most renowned Bossa Nova players in Brazil. He played in bands with the country’s more notable players, Djavan, Ivan Lins, and Leo Gandelman. These influences, plus those of Pat Metheny and Jeff Beck, have helped Mariano develop a personal style that comes across in a big way.

Mariano knows how to write and arrange a memorable song. The uptempo tracks, “A Train to Uberaba” and “2350” are only two of the twelve examples presented on this release. His playing is equally good and he has a strong group of worldly musicians to back him up. It’s the influence of both Mariano’s background and these musicians that really makes Paradise Station stand out. It’s still early to say, but so far Torcuato Mariano has got the nod for debut of the year.

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