Review: The Dixon-Rhyne Project – Reinvention

John Hilderbrand Avatar

Hammond B-3 master Melvin Rhyne garnered himself a place in jazz history for his work with the legendary Wes Montgomery. Thus it was with caution that saxophonist Rob Dixon approached him about creating and recording a modernized approach to the jazz organ quartet. This Reinvention was to take place with the help of drummer Kenny Phelps and the renowned player and instructor of guitar Fareed Haque (Garaj Mahal). To Dixon’s pleasant surprise Rhyne was receptive to the idea and the Dixon-Rhyne project was born. From start to finish the disc presents the listener with an energetic groove that’s clearly captured on tracks such as “Mind’s Eye” and “Fantastic Prizes”. I particularly enjoyed the drum ‘n bass number “Shadow and Light” which features Rhyne on the Mini-Moog along with some fantastic tenor work by Dixon. Another standout is the fusion scorcher “Tomorrow Sierra” on which Haque shines on electric guitar. The disc also includes a soulful cover of Kenny Burrell’s “Chit’lins Con Carne” as well. While it might be tempting to write this off as just another organ quartet outing, Reinvention is anything but. If you’re looking for a fresh perspective on the traditional organ quartet be sure to give this one a listen.

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