Jason Moran and his trio, bassist Tarus Mateen and drummer Nasheet Waits, are joined in the Bandwagon by guitarist Marvin Sewell on his new recording Same Mother. He makes an impression. It’s the thing I noticed most when I first listened to the recording. He rocks. Read more about the pianist’s latest and how it came to be a blues effort at his web site.
I have to give a shout out to the person who wrote the press release for Same Mother. I love this line: “Well known for throwing more than a few left curves and even a few left jabs at “the same old thing” in jazz, The Bandwagon continues to fire away at complacency and orthodoxy, flummoxing contemporary audiences’ notions about the classic piano trio.”
Same Mother debuted at #14 on Billboard’s jazz chart. The release is in stores now on Blue Note.
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