I’m pruning my large CD library, archiving some discs and preparing to give away or sell others. I’m grabbing information off of those enhanced discs which were seemingly popular around 2000. I uploaded this clip of George Benson, Joe Sample and Christian McBride from a session from Absolute Benson, a good George Benson recording from the year 2000.
George Benson in session
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One response to “George Benson in session”
How amazing it is to witness those great moments of spontaneous discovery–right as it’s unfolding! And there were a few of them in this clip–even for the likes of these giants. One of the things jazz musicians live for! You can plan for only so much–& you want to try & execute those things as best as possible…but it is those unplanned things–“happy accidents” as painter Bob Ross used to call them–that will make a piece really come alive. You can see it in their faces or how they move to the edge of their seats when they realize something great is about to collectively take place–beyond their control…they’re not just going through the typical motions of playing the song…something else–bigger (even if subtle), better…unexpected, is happening! In my opinion, those are the albums worth buying–don’t get rid of this one John! Thanks for posting–PjB
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