
  • cover to Modern Art recording by Rippingtons featuring Russ Freeman

    Rippingtons Interview and Review


    Shannon West recently interviewed Rippingtons main man Russ Freeman at the SmoothViews site. Check out Freeman’s thoughts on composing, painting, balancing new songs with the classics when touring, what may be his favorite saxophone performance on a Rippingtons recording, and…

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    Marcus Miller Interview


    John Luciano recently interviewed Marcus Miller for the site. Marcus talks about his new release, titled Marcus in the U.S., how he got his sound, the jazz industry today, and what’s coming up. You can catch Marcus recorded live playing…

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    Interview: Four 80 East


    This interview with Rob DeBoer and Tony Grace of Four80East was conducted by Sean Miller for his radio program Jazz Pulse. Four80East was conceived by Rob DeBoer and Tony Grace in their Toronto-based studio as a departure from the commercial…