site announcements
New Contemporary Jazz Discussion Area!
The group on Facebook has been upgraded! Come join the community and discuss the music you love, post pictures, add links, and more. Today’s topic, the always popular: what are you listening to right now?
Site Update
I apologize for the lack of new content for the last few months. In March, I pretty much dropped off the modern jazz map. I stopped updating the site, let Radio go, and tweeted less frequently. I haven’t abandoned…
- on Facebook
I just added a group for on Facebook. I’m on Facebook every day and it’s my primary way for keeping up with friends and family. If you’re a fan of the site and/or the radio station, come join the…
Today’s My Birthday
One more year until the big 4-0. It’s hard to believe I started this site when I was a fresh 26 years old. A lot has happened in those years, in my life and in jazz. Since it’s my birthday,…
Me on Twitter
Twitter is a free service for people to communicate through the exchange of quick, frequent messages (or “tweets”). I’ve been using it to share what I’m listening to, and still will. I’m increasing the scope of what I do with…